{% quote %} Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque hendrerit lacus ut purus iaculis feugiat. Sed nec tempor elit, quis aliquam neque. Curabitur sed diam eget dolor fermentum semper at eu lorem. {% endquote %}
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque hendrerit lacus ut purus iaculis feugiat. Sed nec tempor elit, quis aliquam neque. Curabitur sed diam eget dolor fermentum semper at eu lorem.
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{% quote David Levithan, Wide Awake %} Do not just seek happiness for yourself. Seek happiness for all. Through kindness. Through mercy. {% endquote %}
Do not just seek happiness for yourself. Seek happiness for all. Through kindness. Through mercy.
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{% quote Seth Godin http://sethgodin.typepad.com/seths_blog/2009/07/welcome-to-island-marketing.html Welcome to Island Marketing %} Every interaction is both precious and an opportunity to delight. {% endquote %}
Every interaction is both precious and an opportunity to delight.
note: # Note tag style values: # - simple bs-callout old alert style. Default. # - modern bs-callout new(v2-v3) alert style. # - flat flat callout style with background, like on Mozilla or StackOverflow. # - disabled disable all CSS styles import of note tag. style: simple icons: false #false时PC端不显示图标,但移动端仍会显示,故需要在标签语句中手动no-icon进行标注 border_radius: 3 # Offset lighter of background in % for modern and flat styles(modern: -12 | 12; flat: -18 | 6). # Offset also applied to label tag variables. This option can work with disabled note tag. light_bg_offset: 0
Unique name : Unique name of tabs block tag without comma. Will be used in #id's as prefix for each tab with their index numbers. If there are whitespaces in name, for generate #id all whitespaces will replaced by dashes. Only for current url of post/page must be unique! [index] : Index number of active tab. If not specified, first tab (1) will be selected. If index is -1, no tab will be selected. It's will be something like spoiler. Optional parameter. [Tab caption] : Caption of current tab. If not caption specified, unique name with tab index suffix will be used as caption of tab. If not caption specified, but specified icon, caption will empty. Optional parameter. [@icon] : FontAwesome icon name (without 'fa-' at the begining). Can be specified with or without space; e.g. 'Tab caption @icon' similar to 'Tab caption@icon'. Optional parameter.
[url] : Relative path to PDF file.(可以是在线网址,也可以是本地文件) [height] : Optional. Height of the PDF display element, e.g. 800px.
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在线:{% pdf https://example.com/sample.pdf %} 本地:{% pdf /path/to/your/file.pdf 600px %}
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{% label [class]@Text %}
[class] : default | primary | success | info | warning | danger. '@Text' can be specified with or without space E.g. 'success @text' similar to 'success@text'. If not specified, default class will be selected.